An accordant contract was signed today by Dr. Klaus-Peter Arnold, chairman of the association „Dresden Porcelain Arts“, Olaf Stoy, freelance porcelain artist and exhibition organizer, and Jörn-Torsten Verleger, executive director of „Schacholympiade 2008 – Chess Foundation GmbH“.
„Since 1994 the Saxon Porcelain Manufactury Dresden has created top of the art quality chess games which have in parts already come into operation in the annual Porcelain-Cup of the ZMD Chess Festival“ says Arnold. With the touring exhibition of these unique artefacts his association is eager to support and accompany the Chess Olympiad from August to November 2008.
„For the Chess Olympiad the porcelain exhibition already builds an important pillar in the ambitious cultural programme“, explains Jörn-Torsten Verleger, having in mind further highlights such as the musical „Chess“ in the State Operetta Dresden or the exhibition „Chess and Intelligence – from Schachtürke to Chess Computer“ in the Dresden Technical Collections. Goal is to offer visitors a one-of-a-kind Olympiad experience that goes beyond the daily tournament cause.
The porcelain display not only shows porcelain chess games but also some made of related ceramic materials like stoneware and terracotta, wood and silver. Supplemented is the presentation by sculptures, reliefs and installations. „The exhibition illustrates an interesting aspect of the Saxon cultural landscape on the interface of arts and sports“, sums up organizer Olaf Stoy the basci idea of the touring exhibition.
The first station will be the galery of the Freital art club from August 30 to October 5, 2008. For the time after smaller presentations are planned in various branches of the East Saxon Sparkasse Dresden. During the Chess Olympiad from 12 to 25 November 2008 the exhibition roams to the conference level of the International Congress Center Dresden, the venue of the world’s largest chess event.